My Mess / Deionte Maddox

My Mess

By Deionte Maddox

On one ordinary day, I walked into my messy room frustrated because I had a lot of schoolwork to do and not a lot of time to do it. I was getting to the point to where I would just give up and call it a day. Right then and there, a light came through my bedroom. I took this as a sign, which meant that everything will get messy before it gets clean, or that every conflict will have a solution. That day, the light helped me rethink a tough task. It goes down as the greatest MESS ever.

In this picture, there are a couple of technical forces at work. One humongous force at work is the light. The light is what makes this picture stand out. There is so much light that it blasts out all details in the picture away. Another element is the black and white. It helps bring the emotion into the photo.