A Small Building / Christian Lopez

A Small Building

By Christian Lopez

At first I was just looking around for a picture of a large building because I feel like bigger is better, but then I thought why not take a picture of a model of a building. It’s still a building. So I went looking for the model of the Getty. Once I found it, I asked myself, where am I going to take the picture? So I looked from all directions till I found the right place.

What inspired me to take that picture was how big it could look in the photo while in reality it is miniscule. Also I like tricking people so if they look at my picture, they would think that this model is a normal sized building. I also like small or miniscule objects. The main reason I took it is that I was happy.

The elements of are that are found in my photo are forms, texture, and balance. Form because there are rectangles and corners, which make cubes. For texture, you can tell it is metal because it looks smooth. Finally, balance, because everything is where it is supposed to be.